Follow Order
2022.07.11 08:30:49 Read:1091

Follow Order is a strategy where your order will be placed into the market in the case of great fluctuation. It shall be triggered when the latest spot price reaches the highest or lowest price of your order (1±Callback). 


When Follow Order is triggered, the system will only execute your available cryptocurrency. Follow Order will fail when the available cryptocurrency is less than the minimum required. 


When to trigger

Buy: When market lowest price ≤ trigger price and price change >= callback

Sell: When market highest price ≥ trigger price and price change >= callback


For example:

Take BTC/USDT for example, the current BTC spot price is 5000 USDT. After it falls to 4000 USDT you expect a great upward price trend in the case of a 5% callback, so you place a bid order at 4000 USDT and 5% callback, which will trigger Follow Order and place the bid order accordingly.


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